We Boost Organization Health, Effectiveness, and Resilience


We empower Leaders with data and information that provides insight to help them make better and quicker organizational decisions. We achieve this by increasing the leaders’ knowledge about themselves and their organization’s health, effectiveness, and resilience.


We’ve spent over 40 years as licensed mental health practitioners, entrepreneurs, c-level executives, and business advisors studying and applying human behavior and organizational development practices on what matters most to leaders, employees, and teams. Our experiences, combined with our results, were instrumental in the initial creation and development of the most useful, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand validated diagnostic assessment, the Organizational Effectiveness Survey℠ (OES).

We also know that a single diagnostic assessment will not produce the information and insights leaders need to improve individual performance and business outcomes. Therefore, we assess leaders, teams, and the organization’s culture. We use leadership temperament and strengths assessments, along with the OES and Business Performance Review questionnaire, to confirm what’s working well, uncover what’s not, and develop and implement solutions,

No matter your industry or challenge, we’re uniquely qualified to help you achieve a healthy, effective, and resilient organization that can influence and drive business outcomes.

Contact Us, and let us help you achieve your organization’s mission, vision, and performance goals.


Pointing Data to Performance – Empowering Leadership

Upstream with the Organizational Effectiveness Survey℠

Turning Data Into A Competitive Advantage

What does the data tell you? 

For most organizations, the OES assessment data gives them a snapshot of where they are and what happened but not why or what will happen next—only capturing part of the story. So, what’s the rest of the story?

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What Makes Performance Dashboard’s OES The Best Measure Of Organization Health, Effectiveness, And Resilience?
How We Help Organizations and Leaders
Ready to Begin?

Performance Dashboard is your online assessment of the organization’s health, effectiveness, and resilience. With secure and private online access, you can administer the OES assessment, see comprehensive data results at a glance, or dive deep into the details and be empowered with suggested solutions for targeting areas needing improvement. 

Since 2001, the Organizational Effectiveness Survey℠ (OES) has become internationally recognized as a statistically validated diagnostic assessment for helping leaders build and maintain healthy , effective, and resilient organizations. The OES has been used by a wide range of organizations in many industries including multi-national and international corporations, small businesses, media, higher education, healthcare, federal and state government, non-profits, and more.

OUR ONLINE ACCESS PROGRAM – Ask, analyze, and take action – 24/7
The Model of Organizational Health, Effectiveness, And Resilience

See what Performance Dashboard’s Organizational Effectiveness Survey℠ (OES) assessment can do for your organization. Empower Leadership with data-driven decision-making!

You get comprehensive data and information for management to make more informed decisions. As a result, leaders can forecast with a laser-like focus on targeted growth strategies. Schedule an OES Demo

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Take Advantage of Research and Predictive Analytics

For over almost 2 decades, Performance Dashboard and our consulting partners have acquired the art of detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention to improve leadership and organizational performance. We provide comprehensive reports with at-a-glance predictive data analytics and suggested recommendations to solve critical performance problems.

Here are a few performance challenges our Independent Consulting Partners and Performance Dashboard have helped leaders and organizations achieve improved ROI:

  • Creating a healthy, effective, resilient culture with an eye for change and improvement. 
  • Transforming skilled people into engaged employees committed to their work and healthier relational behaviors.
  • Increasing productivity through effective operational practices.
  • Retaining satisfied customers and productive employees.
  • Improving sustainable revenue growth.
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